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Where to Live is Hardest Issue - Topretirements Survey Results


September 19. Welcome , to our weekly newsletter.  Today's Feature Article highlights the fascinating results from last week's "Retirement Compatibility" survey.  Thanks to the more than 600 great people who shared their collective wisdom on this project.
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Last week's spousal compatibility survey brought plenty of good news - and a little heartache. We found that Topretirements members and their spouses are mostly quite compatible, and they spend a fair amount of time planning and discussing their retirement plans. For the most part they look forward to a happy retirement. There are some areas of incompatibiity though, mostly having to do with where to live. The best parts of this article are your actual quotes -  your insights and techniques for how two people can work out successful retirement planning are inspiring.
Bentonville, AR
We added a review of Lexington because several Topretirements members recommended this low profile place as a nice retirement town. Located near Lake Murray, it is also close to Columbia in the middle of the state. The population is growing fast.
Bentonville, AR

Today's guest columnist from the Home Depot outlines easy do-it-yourself ideas that can make your home safer,  accessible, and more comfortable.  These ideas  incorporate the principles of universal design, a concept so important for baby boomers to consider as we age.

Meet Jan Cullinane in Ohio Next Week
Jan Cullinane, frequent contributor to, will be giving a presentation for AARP Ohio on Sept. 24 (Cleveland) and Sept. 25 (Dublin).
Meet Jan, receive a signed book, enjoy refreshments, and hear her talk about "What Women Want (and Need) in Retirement."  Cost is $10. Call 877-926-8300
Aberdeen, SD
If your retirement dream involves a peaceful town on the Oregon coast with hauntingly beautiful beaches - Bandon is for you. This small and growing town is popular with tourists and golfers. Four of the finest golf courses in America are located just out of town.
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